Swedish passports and ID cards

IAI equipment has been used to personalise the Swedish passport since 2005. AB Svenska Pass (100% owned by Gemalto since 2012) chose for IAI equipment again in 2011. We have supplied systems for the complete personalisation of Swedish national passports, emergency passports, diplomatic passports, service passports, alien passports and several ID-1 format cards. These documents are currently being issued (as from January 2012).

Applications in the national passport by the BookMaster One

  1. Laser engraving
  2. ImagePerf/TLI
  3. Chip encoding
  4. NumberPerf
  5. Inkjet printing

Applications in the emergency passport by the BookMaster Desk

  1. Laser engraving
  2. Chip encoding

Applications in the national identity card by the CardMaster One

  1. Laser engraving
  2. ImagePerf/TLI
  3. Chip encoding